#SelfCare with J-Beauty

If you thought creating a wellness ritual for yourself would be tough because of time constraints, worry not, you can have this ‘me time’ and do it every day too!

To begin with, if you spend 15-20 minutes on skincare each day layering on multiple products, serums and creams, etc., it’s time to switch to a simpler but effective J-beauty skincare routine of only 4 steps! 

The J-beauty 4-step facial regimen, that of double cleansing and double moisturizing, doesn’t aim at perfecting your skin but instead encourages you to treat your skin with kindness and have a moment of wellness each day, during which time you accept and embrace your skin’s flaws as you cleanse, soothe and nourish it.

With all the extra minutes you save, you can devote those to yourself by creating a holistic wellness ritual. If you plan on doing this in the morning, here are some simple tips on creating this soothing wellness ritual for yourself:

  • As you wake up, give thanks for whatever it is you are grateful for that day.
  • Make your bed as soon as you get up; this is a quick and easy way to bring calm and order to the day.
  • Have a full glass of water before your cup of tea or coffee or green juice.
  • Take 10 minutes for a calm, mindful breakfast without turning on the TV or scrolling through your phone. 
  • Before you begin on your skincare, turn on some soothing music or light a scented candle you love.
  • Ensure your skincare products are placed on a clean, wiped-down surface in front of you near your vanity mirror in the bathroom.
  • Start the J-beauty skincare ritual by cleansing with an oil cleanser like the Deep Cleansing Oil and gently massage your face while you work it into the skin; then rinse this off with lukewarm water.
  • Next, use a foaming cleanser like the Face Wash Powder to thoroughly cleanse the skin of any remaining impurities.
  • Then apply a light toning lotion on the face, in a gentle dabbing motion letting the skin absorb this.
  • For the fourth and final step in the J-beauty regime, use a moisturizer that will seal in all the hydration from the three previous steps.
  • You can also apply a sunscreen with suitable SPF by gently patting it onto the face. 
Finish off your wellness ritual by speaking out loud but calmly a few positive affirmations. This encourages an optimistic mindset and is a great way to kickstart your day! Try affirmations such as – ‘Today is going to be a great day’, ‘The more I love myself, the more beautiful I become’, ‘I feel healthy, confident and strong today’, or whatever other positive message you’d like to send out to the universe and to your inner self that day.

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