Ancient Japanese Secrets for youthful skin 

Japanese women have aced their beauty game like no other and their porcelain skin is living proof of the same. The Japanese understand the importance of having a disciplined routine with good habits. Using the right products and ingredients can help you achieve better skin, but it’s often our daily practices that add up and affect our skin too.
After the Koreans gave away their elaborate beauty routines to the rest of the world, the Japanese too revealed a few skincare secrets. From daily skincare practices to using some key ingredients, we’re disclosing some of the most well-kept Japanese beauty secrets. Curious to know more? Let’s go..

Consumption of collagen

We know how important collagen is for firm and radiant skin. Instead of just applying collagen topically, the Japanese also believe in consuming it in a variety of ways. Foods such as bone broth, cod fish and eggs are rich in collagen as well as boost the production of collagen in your body.

Frequent facial massages

Japanese women believe facial massages are the key to wrinkle-free skin. As they apply each step in their skincare routine, they gently massage the product into the skin in circular motions. This anti-aging trick helps to relax the muscles and improve circulation. Facial massages also help with lymphatic drainage and help give structure to the face.

Rice bran

Rice bran is another antioxidant-rich ingredient that fights the signs of aging, lightens blemishes and makes skin firm and soft. You can prepare it at home by simply saving the strained water from cooked rice. This helps improve the skin's immunity, fights free radicals and promotes overall cell health.

Sunscreen is king

The sun is the number one cause of aging, so it's important to avoid sun exposure at all costs. Asidefrom fortifying the skin with green tea and food rich in Vitamin C, Japanese women also shield themselves from the sun's harmful rays by wearing sun-protective clothing, hats and broad spectrum sunscreens. Some ingredients can actually increase the skin’s photosensitivity, so Japanese women ensure that they wear sunblock all day, everyday.

These are 4 Japanese beauty secrets that you can start today to help you get Mochi Skin in no time. Just remember, consistency is key!